Thursday, January 11, 2007


A few months ago I talked of slowing down, of trying to once again appreciate the beauty and fascination of the life around me. It's something I shouldn't need to remind myself to do - no matter where I'm living. But things were becoming routine - waking up, going to work, coming home late, etc., and then starting all over the next day.

One attempt to do this involved walking to the camp more often. I live a 20 - 30 minute walk from the camp. And my efforts to make this walk more regularly have been sometimes extremely successful - last week I was able to walk 3 times - and sometimes not so successful - last month I think I walked 3 times.

Last month was hectic, though. A bad excuse for not walking, and a good reason to walk more often. The problem is that it's sometimes not an option - the truck is needed for the work I do - and I am the driver.

So, not much writing this time - just a lot of pictures from my walks. Some of them appear foggy - it's the Harmattan (and more to read here).

Cool bug
termite mound (and garbage pile)

A Harmattan Sunset